Thursday, February 28, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Madhya Pradesh has about 50L elderly voters
BHOPAL: Madhya Pradesh is home to more than 50 lakh elderly voters (those above the age of 60 years) which include at about 4.8 lakh voters who are in the age group of 80 years or above. What is surprising is the fact that a large number of these elderly voters have found their names into the voter list for the first time, claim the officials of the chief electoral officers'' office.
As per the Census 2011 figures, the population of the state was around 7.26 crore and projected population in 2013 was to be about 7.53 crore. Of this about 4.6 crore people will be the eligible voters.
Revised electoral rolls for the year 2013 throw light on the number of elderly voters.
Statistics provided by the office of the chief electoral officer, MP, states that 30.63 lakh voters are in the age bracket of 60-69, while 15.27 lakh are in the age bracket of 70-79 and about 4.8 lakh voters are 80 years or above in age.
Nodal officer in charge of revision of electoral rolls, at CEO''s office Pravas Jain said, "Now, we have enrolled almost all the voters. Nearly 85 lakh voters were added and 10 lakh names were deleted in 2012 which is an all time high".
Though exact number of such elderly voters who are enrolled for the first time in voters'' list is not known but a considerable number of such voters were included for the first time.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
GVK EMRI – 108 Service wins GLOBAL CSR EXCELLENCE & LEADERSHIP AWARD in Best use of CSR Practices in health Care
Bhopal, 23nd February 2013: GVK EMRI 108 service wins GLOBAL CSR EXCELLENCE & LEADERSHIP AWARD in Best use of CSR Practices in health Care. The Chief Guest for the ceremony was Dr. Maximillian Martin, Founder & Global Managing Director of Impact Economy. The award was received by Shri Siddhartha Bhattacharya, Chief Operating Officer on behalf of GVK EMRI.
A magnificent award ceremony was organized in the presence of hundreds of high profile government functionaries as well as national and international dignitaries.
Jury members declared GVK EMRI as the winner of GLOBAL CSR EXCELLENCE & LEADERSHIP AWARD in Best use of CSR Practices in health Care at a ceremony held recently.
Subodh Satyawadi, CEO, GVK EMRI, said, “It is the matter of pride for the GVK EMRI 108 Emergency Response Service operating in 12 states and 2 Union Territories providing free emergency service through single toll free number “108”. This is an acknowledgement of the visionary leadership as well as constant support of the state governments. He added that stakeholders, media, people at large and team 108 are the cardinal components towards accomplishment Mission of Saving Lives.“
Madhya Pradesh Budget: Govt announces sops for farmers
With assembly elections in the state slated later this year, the Madhya Pradesh government today announced various sops for farmers including a Rs 1,700 crore power subsidy and Rs 500 crore for providing interest free loan, in a Rs 5,214 surplus budget for 2013-14.
Presenting the budgetary proposals, state Finance Minister Raghavji also announced Rs 150 per quintal above MSP as bonus on wheat for growers besides reducing the entry tax on domestic LPG.
The state budget proposes an expenditure of Rs 91,946 crore for the next fiscal.
While total revenue receipts for 2013-14 are estimated at Rs 79,603.47 crore, the revenue expenditure is estimated at Rs 74,388.64 crore in 2013-14, over Rs 10,845.14 crore more than during 2012-13.
This would result in a revenue surplus of Rs 5214.83 crore, he said.
The fiscal deficit for 2013-14 is estimated at Rs 12,218.53 crore, which will be 2.98 per cent of the GSDP (Gross State Domestic Product), the Minister said in his budget speech, for the 10th year in succession.
Among other proposals, the Minister gave relief to consumers by reducing entry tax on domestic LPG from 6.47 per cent to two per cent
The total budget expenditure would registered in a four-fold increase from 2003-04, when it stood at Rs 21,647 crore, with a revenue surplus of Rs 5214.83 crore projected for 2013-14.
The revenue surplus is estimated at 1.27 per cent of the GSDP, the Minister said.
Providing relief on the tax front, Raghavji said that rotavator (for agriculture purpose) and the rent applicable on the electricity metre.
being provided by the Power Distribution Companies will be free from VAT from April 1, 2006.
Tax rebates were also given on pre-fabricated structure, milking machine, oxygen, naphtha, barbed wire, chin link, emulsified bitumen, toffee, candies, sand crushed stones, among others, totalling a loss of Rs 170 crore to the exchequer.
However, the Minister proposed tax on paddy, like on the sale of wheat, which will fetch Rs 50 crore and also five percent VAT on the sale of foreign and country made liquor which will fetch Rs 120 crore revenue to the state.
Raghavji also made a provision of Rs 4,765 crore for the development of irrigation facilities in the state.
The state government allocated Rs 8,856 crore in the energy sector for 2013-14, which is Rs 1,146 crore more than 2012-13, and Rs 4,970 crore for road construction and maintenance which are considered major issues in Madhya Pradesh.
For education, the Finance Minister made an allocation of Rs 13,763 crore, which is Rs 1,644 crore more than last year.
The Minister has made a provision of Rs 3,962 crore for the police force, which is 37 per cent higher than 2012-13.
Taking care of employees, the Minister said the government will give 72 per cent DA to state government employees and pensioners, at par with central government employees, as promised by the government.
Source: PTI
The Rockefeller Foundation Launches the 2013 Centennial Innovation Challenge
New competition seeks to award grants to innovators who are transforming the livelihoods of informal workers
Bhopal 22 February 2013 – Bhopal, The Rockefeller Foundation announced a new competition in search of solutions that will improve livelihoods for poor or vulnerable workers in the world’s informal economies. Launched in celebration of The Rockefeller Foundation’s centennial anniversary, the Centennial Innovation Challenge will consider as many as 10 of the finalists for the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to $100,000 and win support in proposal-writing to enable the further development of submitted ideas.
It is often out of necessity that 1.8 billion people find their livelihoods in the informal economy – the business enterprises and jobs that exist partially or completely outside of government regulation. Informal workers lack basic safety nets like pensions and health insurance, and are typically without recourse if they are denied pay or are compelled to work in unsafe conditions. Improving working conditions, legal rights, and social benefits for informal workers would open new pathways to economic and social empowerment for millions of poor or vulnerable people worldwide.
“The Rockefeller Foundation is looking to tap the ingenuity and dedication of today’s social innovators to address the world’s most urgent challenges and ensure that informal workers can achieve equitable growth, all while building resilience in an increasingly volatile world,” said Dr. Judith Rodin, President of The Rockefeller Foundation. “Together we can chart new paths that will transform the lives of the billions working in informal economies across the globe.”
Informal employment is a significant and growing part of the world’s economy; it accounts for around 50% of employment in North Africa and in Latin America, 65% of employment in Asia, and 72% in Sub-Saharan Africa. Given the vast number of informal workers, it is important to spur new innovations that improve worker’s livelihoods in the informal economy.
Ideas for the 2013 Centennial Innovation Challenge will be accepted online at until the deadline on April 1, 2013. This competition is subject to eligibility requirements, official terms and conditions, and is void where restricted or prohibited by law. Full details and official terms and conditions can also be found at the competition website.
काटजू साहब सेंसरशिप के साये में मध्यप्रदेश भी
यह महज संयोग नहीं है कि जब भारतीय प्रेस परिषद के अध्यक्ष जस्टिस मार्केण्डेय काटजू राज्य सरकारों द्वारा प्रेस के साथ किये जा रहे दोहरे व्यवहार की बात करते हैं उनकी सूची में भाजपा अथवा भाजपा के सहयोगी दलों द्वारा शासित राज्य ही सबसे ऊपर होते हैं। अब चाहे अरुण जेटली या भाजपा के अन्य नेता समेत केन्द्र की राजनीति में विपक्षी दलों की भूमिका अदा कर रहे तमाम राजनीतिक दल भले ही उन्हें कोसने लगें लेकिन उनकी विद्वता पर किसी प्रकार का कोई ऐतराज नहीं किया जा सकता और यह संदेह जायज भी नहीं है।
संभवत: गुजरात और बिहार की पत्रकारिता कम से कम मध्य प्रदेश की तुलना में ज्यादा निर्भीक और जुझारू है जिसकी बात पत्रकारिता और पत्रकारों के हितों की लड़ाई का झंडा उठाए व्यक्ति तक पहुंच तो रही है। मगर भाजपा शासित मध्य प्रदेश का क्या जहां भाजपा के पूर्व प्रदेश अध्यक्ष और अपने आप को पत्रकार कहने में गर्व महसूस करने वाले प्रभात झा को अपनी ही पार्टी के वरिष्ठ नेता अरुण जेटली को लेकर न्यायमूर्ति काटजू के खिलाफ राष्ट्रपति को पत्र लिखना तो याद रहता है मगर राज्य सरकार के चंद लाड़ले अधिकारियों द्वारा लागू की जा रही अघोषित सेंसरशिप नजर नहीं आती। उन्हें नजर नहीं आता कि प्रदेश में लागू अघोषित सेंसरशिप का दंश कुछ निर्भीक पत्रकार झेल रहे हैं।
इसकी एक बानगी राज्य विधान सभा के बजट सत्र के लिए पत्रकारों को जारी किए गये प्रवेश पत्रों की सूची से मिल जाती है जिसमें छांट-छांट कर सत्ता प्रतिष्ठान और सरकार के चहेतों के खिलाफ लिखने वाले समाचार पत्रों और उनके प्रतिनिधियों को अलग कर दिया गया है। पराकाष्ठा यह कि असल पत्रकारों के पास काट कुछ ऐसे लोगों को पत्रकार दीर्घा के पास जारी कर दिये गये हैं जिनका कोई कवरेज किसी अखबार में छपता ही नहीं।
लेकिन बात यह नहीं कि इन्हें क्यों पास दिये गये, भाड़ में जाऐं ऐसे अधिकारी जिन्हें ये पत्रकार नजर आते है। सरकार के फंड का अहम हिस्सा ऐसे लोगों के हाथों रेवडिय़ों की तरह बंट रहा है जो नाम मात्र का प्रकाशन करते हैं और पार्ट टाइम पत्रकार हैं। इस तालमेल की जानकारी हमने स्वयं मुख्यमंत्री सहित, वरिष्ठ अधिकारियों को दी है। इंडिया अगेंस्ट करप्शन ने भी इस संबंध में प्रमुख सचिव को पत्र लिखा है पत्रकारों का आंदोलन भी हो चुका पर अधिकारियों का अभी तक कोई बाल भी बांका नहीं कर सका है।
क्यों अखबारों में अक्सर पहले पेज पर सरकार की नीतियों की समीक्षा नहीं होती, क्यों भ्रष्टाचार की खबरों की गहराई अधिकारियों से कहीं गहरे उतरे उनके आकाओं तक नहीं पहुंच रहीं, क्यों सत्तारूढ़ दल के अलावा अन्य दलों की गतिविधियाँ पहले पेज पर स्थान नहीं पातीं.... क्योंकि कलम को पेट से बाँध दिया गया है और पेट पालना पहली प्राथमिकता है।
और यह भी कि जमीनी हकीकत ऊपर पहुंचना नहीं चाहिये पहुँचे तो सिर्फ तारीफ ही तारीफ जिससे फीलगुड में सरकार रहे मदमस्त और अफसर उड़ायें मजे। सरकार बदलने पर भी अफसरों की पालिसी कुछ ऐसी ही रहती है। अटलजी का इंडिया शाइनिंग याद आता है।
केवल इतना ही नहीं प्रदेश के जनसंपर्क विभाग ने ऐसे अधिकारी को विज्ञापन का काम सौंपा गया है जो चीन्ह चीन्ह कर विज्ञापन दे रहा है और ऐसे अखबरों को निपटा रहा है जो सरकार की विरूदावलि नहीं गाते। अनेक वेबसाइटों और चेनलों पर योजनाओं की जानकारी से ज्यादा सरकार की गान गाथा सरकारी खर्च पर गाई जा रही है। अब इसे क्या समझें?SATURDAY, 23 FEBRUARY 2013 22:35
WRITTEN BY आदित्य नारायण उपाध्यायसंभवत: गुजरात और बिहार की पत्रकारिता कम से कम मध्य प्रदेश की तुलना में ज्यादा निर्भीक और जुझारू है जिसकी बात पत्रकारिता और पत्रकारों के हितों की लड़ाई का झंडा उठाए व्यक्ति तक पहुंच तो रही है। मगर भाजपा शासित मध्य प्रदेश का क्या जहां भाजपा के पूर्व प्रदेश अध्यक्ष और अपने आप को पत्रकार कहने में गर्व महसूस करने वाले प्रभात झा को अपनी ही पार्टी के वरिष्ठ नेता अरुण जेटली को लेकर न्यायमूर्ति काटजू के खिलाफ राष्ट्रपति को पत्र लिखना तो याद रहता है मगर राज्य सरकार के चंद लाड़ले अधिकारियों द्वारा लागू की जा रही अघोषित सेंसरशिप नजर नहीं आती। उन्हें नजर नहीं आता कि प्रदेश में लागू अघोषित सेंसरशिप का दंश कुछ निर्भीक पत्रकार झेल रहे हैं।
इसकी एक बानगी राज्य विधान सभा के बजट सत्र के लिए पत्रकारों को जारी किए गये प्रवेश पत्रों की सूची से मिल जाती है जिसमें छांट-छांट कर सत्ता प्रतिष्ठान और सरकार के चहेतों के खिलाफ लिखने वाले समाचार पत्रों और उनके प्रतिनिधियों को अलग कर दिया गया है। पराकाष्ठा यह कि असल पत्रकारों के पास काट कुछ ऐसे लोगों को पत्रकार दीर्घा के पास जारी कर दिये गये हैं जिनका कोई कवरेज किसी अखबार में छपता ही नहीं।
लेकिन बात यह नहीं कि इन्हें क्यों पास दिये गये, भाड़ में जाऐं ऐसे अधिकारी जिन्हें ये पत्रकार नजर आते है। सरकार के फंड का अहम हिस्सा ऐसे लोगों के हाथों रेवडिय़ों की तरह बंट रहा है जो नाम मात्र का प्रकाशन करते हैं और पार्ट टाइम पत्रकार हैं। इस तालमेल की जानकारी हमने स्वयं मुख्यमंत्री सहित, वरिष्ठ अधिकारियों को दी है। इंडिया अगेंस्ट करप्शन ने भी इस संबंध में प्रमुख सचिव को पत्र लिखा है पत्रकारों का आंदोलन भी हो चुका पर अधिकारियों का अभी तक कोई बाल भी बांका नहीं कर सका है।
क्यों अखबारों में अक्सर पहले पेज पर सरकार की नीतियों की समीक्षा नहीं होती, क्यों भ्रष्टाचार की खबरों की गहराई अधिकारियों से कहीं गहरे उतरे उनके आकाओं तक नहीं पहुंच रहीं, क्यों सत्तारूढ़ दल के अलावा अन्य दलों की गतिविधियाँ पहले पेज पर स्थान नहीं पातीं.... क्योंकि कलम को पेट से बाँध दिया गया है और पेट पालना पहली प्राथमिकता है।
और यह भी कि जमीनी हकीकत ऊपर पहुंचना नहीं चाहिये पहुँचे तो सिर्फ तारीफ ही तारीफ जिससे फीलगुड में सरकार रहे मदमस्त और अफसर उड़ायें मजे। सरकार बदलने पर भी अफसरों की पालिसी कुछ ऐसी ही रहती है। अटलजी का इंडिया शाइनिंग याद आता है।
केवल इतना ही नहीं प्रदेश के जनसंपर्क विभाग ने ऐसे अधिकारी को विज्ञापन का काम सौंपा गया है जो चीन्ह चीन्ह कर विज्ञापन दे रहा है और ऐसे अखबरों को निपटा रहा है जो सरकार की विरूदावलि नहीं गाते। अनेक वेबसाइटों और चेनलों पर योजनाओं की जानकारी से ज्यादा सरकार की गान गाथा सरकारी खर्च पर गाई जा रही है। अब इसे क्या समझें?SATURDAY, 23 FEBRUARY 2013 22:35
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Now, Bhopal Rly division on facebook
To promote its services, the Bhopal railway division has created its page on the social networking site Facebook on Monday. Information about the railway’s services will be shared by the Bhopal division on the page. The public relations officer (PRO) of the division KK Dubey said a page of the Bhopal railway division has been created on Facebook to make the system more transparent. Latest information will be shared on the page, so that visitors can get current updates.
The PRO said through the page, the Bhopal railway division would get appropriate feedback and opinion about its services, as users would comment or share their views on the page.
Dubey further said the citizens would have the freedom to share their views about the services being provided by the division. Their views would also help to make the division’s services better, he added.
Revised pay scales for Adhyapak cadre sanctioned from April 1, 2013
Seniority from date of appointment, Benefit of relaxation in age-limit also to be given, Orders issued
The State Government has sanctioned revised pay band and cadre pay scale with effect from April 1, 2013 for Adhyapak cadre working under the Panchayats & Rural Development and Urban Administration & Development departments. Besides, they will also be given seniority from the date of appointment
As per the orders, senior Adhyapaks will be given Rs. 4500-25000 pay band and Rs. 1900 cadre pay, Adhyapak 4500-25000 pay band and Rs. 1650 cadre pay and assistant Adhyapak 4500-25000 pay band and Rs. 1250 cadre pay. Adhyapaks will be given new pay scale by making 1.62 fold increase in the basic pay as on April 1, 2013, which will be rounded off to next Rs. 10.
Counting and date increment:- Pay in the pay band will be enumerated by rounding it off to next Rs. 10 and adding 3 percent of the pay and cadre pay in pay band for counting of new pay band. As a result of pay fixation with effect from April 1, 2013, the next increment of Adhyapaks will be made on October 1, 2013.
Pay fixation on increment:- In case of increment, 3 percent of pay (except cadre pay) will be included in pay and rounded off to next Rs. 10, increased cadre pay will be given.
Pay fixation on promotion:- Pay in the pay band will be fixed in the case of promotion by adding 3 percent of the existing cadre pay and rounded off to next Rs. 10.
Seniority from date of appointment
In the Adhyapak cadre, contractual school teachers are regularised in Adhyapak cadre after completing 3 years in service. From this point of view, tenure of contractual teacher is of probationary nature. Following this, he is regularised in Adhyapak cadre. Benefit of seniority is given to contractual teachers in Adhyapak cadre by considering their tenure as contractual teachers as probationary period. Now, benefit of seniority for promotion and increment will be given to contractual school teacher taking into Adhyapak cadre from the date of appointment on the basis of abilities and other conditions mentioned in the rules. For this, rules will be amended with retrospective effects.
Relaxation in age-limit
Panchayats and urban bodies come under the category of autonomous bodies. For employees of these institutions, 45 years has been fixed as the upper age limit for direct recruitment. Adhyapak cadre are the employees of Panchayats/urban bodies. Therefore, the relaxation given in age-limit by the General Administration Department in the direct recruitments by the Public Service Commission will also be given to them.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Madhya Pradesh textile weavers pin hope on state Budget
Textile weavers in Madhya Pradesh have pinned hope on state Budget 2013-14, which would be presented by the Finance Minister this week.
Speaking to fibre2fashion, secretary of Madhya Pradesh Textile Mills Association (MPTMA), Mr. MC Rawat said, “We have urged for reduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) on all kinds of fibres from the existing 5 percent to 2 percent since all the neighboring states, including Maharashtra, have reduced VAT to 2 percent.”
“We have also demanded for the removal of entry tax on man-made fibres and finished products because it is increasing the cost of production of textiles and garments manufactured in Madhya Pradesh,” he informs.
He further says, “We have urged the state government for exemption of mandi tax on cotton, which is currently being levied at the rate of 1 percent and will end in November 2013.”
“While textile industries located in states like Gujarat and Rajasthan are not paying any mandi tax, Maharashtra textile units are paying only 0.6 percent as mandi tax,” he adds.
BJP MP wants international flights from Bhopal airport
hopal: BJP MP Kailash Joshi has demanded that international flights should be started from the Raja Bhoj airport in the city for the convenience of passengers intending to travel abroad.
"Starting of international flights from Bhopal would help those desirous of going abroad and also aid in increasing business," Joshi said at a meeting of the Airport Advisory Committee last evening.
Apart from international flights, direct flights to places like Bangalore and Jaipur should also be allowed from the city, the MP from Bhopal demanded.
Airlines should work out modalities to start direct flights from Bhopal to other big cities in the country, he said.
Facilities at the airport should be improved to allow landing of large aircrafts at the airport, he said.
Bohra community’s role significant in Madhya Pradesh development : CM Shri Chouhan
Bhopal: 18 February 2013: Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan participated in the 102nd birth anniversary function of Bohra community’s religious guru Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin. On the occasion, Chief Minister Shri Chouhan said that Bohra community’s role is significant in the development of Madhya Pradesh. In the teachings of Syedna Sahib one can have glimpse of true socialism, universal humanitarianism and Ram-Rajya. Specially referring to Syedna Sahib’s preaching to control anger, be soft-spoken and work for everyone’s welfare, the Chief Minister said that if all these three teachings are put into practice, all the problems in the world will come to an end itself. On behalf of state’s people, the Chief Minister wished long life of Syedna Sahib. He urged representatives of Bohra community to invite Syedna Sahib to Madhya Pradesh. If the community thinks it fit, he can also accompany them to invite Syedna Sahib.
At the programme, State Congress President Shri Kantilal Bhuria wished long life for Syedna Sahib. He said that Syedna Sahib possesses a charismatic personality.
Amil Sahib Bhopal, Amil Sahib Burhani Nagar, Shahr Qazi Shri Mushtaq Ali, Gyani Shri Dilip Singh and Syed Sajid Ali also spoke on the occasion. The welcome address was delivered by Secretary of Haneef Educational Welfare Society Shri Qamruddin Dawoodi while Shri Yusuf Bhai Udaipurwala proposed a vote of thanks. At the outset, the guests were welcomed with bouquets and shawls.
50 percent of tax revenue from industries and business to be spent on health, education and food
CM Shri Chouhan launches Narmada Purification Campaign at Amarkantak, Rs. 5 crore announced for Amarkantak’s development
Bhopal, February 17, 2013: Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that 50 percent the tax revenue from industries and business by the State Government will be spent on arrangements for health, education and food. Shri Chouhan was launching Narmada Purification Campaign on the occasion of Narmada Jayanti at Amarkantak in Anuppur district today. He along with his wife worshipped Maa Narmada and prayed for happiness and prosperity of the state’s people. He offered a 1100 meter long chunari to Maa Narmada.
The Chief Minister said that an action plan for comprehensive development will be implemented including construction of ghats and facilities for devotees at the originating point of Narmada river while keeping ancient temples intact. Appealing for cooperation of all in purification of Narmada, Shri Chouhan said that Hariyali Chunari Yojana should be implemented on the banks of Narmada. Every family should plant minimum one sapling every year. He said that a Rs. 1300 crore scheme has been chalked out to purify Narmada from its originating point upto Madhya Pradesh border. He appealed to common people to cooperate in plantation on the course of Narmada, Narmada Purification Campaign and development of Narmada Parikrama Path.
Rs. 5 crore announced
Chief Minister Shri Chouhan announced Rs. 5 crore from Chief Minister’s Infrastructure Fund for development of holy city Amarkantak. He sanctioned Rs. 125 lakh each for Pasan, Kotma and Bijri Nagar Palikas. He said that more funds will be sanctioned if needed. He announced Rs. 71 lakh each for Cluster Piped Water Schemes of Kiragi and Damehri.
The Chief Minister also laid foundation stone for development works costing Rs. 5 crore 12 lakh at Amarkantak. These works include roads, shopping complex, Rein Basera etc.
Shri Bhagwat Sharan Mathur, Minister of State for Revenue Shri Jaisingh Marawi, Minister of State for SC, ST Welfare Shri Harishankar Khatik, Vindhya Development Authority Chairman Shri Sudama Singh, Shri Dilip Singh Jaiswal and other public representatives were present on the occasion.
Medicines recovered from well in Bhopal
BHOPAL: A major stock of medicines has been recovered from a well near the office of SP in Narsinghpur district.
The matter came to light on Friday evening. Whether medicines were past the expiry date could not be ascertained till now.
Sources said medicines meant for free distribution among girls and women to curb anemia were not distributed.
However, officials refuted the claims saying that unless medicines are recovered nothing could be said.
Chief medical and health officer of district Dr K C Mesram said, "The municipal council was to take out medicines from the well on Saturday, but no information was given to us. We could not take stock of the issue due to ongoing strike of health workers."
Saturday, February 16, 2013
मध्य प्रदेश विधान सभा का बजट सत्र 18 फरवरी से प्रारंभ होगा
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भोपाल 8 फरवरी 2013। मध्यप्रदेश की त्रयोदश विधान सभा का सोलहवाँ सत्र (बजट सत्र) सोमवार, दिनांक 18 फरवरी 2013 से प्रारंभ होकर शुक्रवार, दिनांक 22 मार्च, 2013 तक चलेगा। महामहिम राज्यपाल के आदेशानुसार विधान सभा सचिवालय द्वारा इस आशय की अधिसूचना जारी की गई।
विधान सथा के प्रमुख सचिव, राजकुमार पांडे के अनुसार इस 33 दिवसीय सत्र में सदन की कुल 24 बैठकें होंगी। इस सत्र में आगामी वित्तीय वर्ष का बजट प्रस्तुत होगा। सत्र की शुरूआत राज्यपाल महोदय के अभिभाषण से होगी। इसके अतिरिक्त सत्र के दौरान शासकीय एवं कार्य संपादित किये जायेंगे।
उल्लेखनीय है कि मध्यप्रदेश की त्रयोदश विधान सभा का यह सोलहवां सत्र होगा।
BHEL Bhopal gets e-governance award
HOPAL: Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) has been conferred with the prestigious national e-governance gold award by the Union government for 2012-13 at a function held recently. The award was given in the category - ''innovative use of ICT by PSUs for customer benefits'', for the project ''integrated system for online generation of electrical specifications for transformers'', developed by informatics centre (IFX), BHEL, Bhopal.
Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot in presence of V Narayanasamy, Union minister of state (MoS) of personnel and public grievances and pensions and MoS at the Prime Minister''s office, presented the awards.
The 16th national e-governance conference was organized jointly by DARPG (department of administrative reforms and public grievances), department of information and technology (both Government of India) and the department of information and technology, Rajasthan at Jaipur.
On behalf of BHEL, the award was received by executive director Anjan Dasgupta from corporate office. Dheeman Sen, general manager, S K Mahajan, DGM, Arun Khare, senior manager and Vivek Pathak, manager from BHEL, Bhopal, were also present.
The project was selected for the gold award after detailed evaluations, audit, field visit and presentations of some 270 project nominations that were submitted by various departments, institutions and PSUs across the country. This project was conceived and developed jointly by informatics Centre (IFX) and transformer engineering (TRE) departments of BHEL, Bh
bhopal BHEL
Make agriculture profitable through modern techniques: CM Shri Chouhan
Bhopal, February 15, 2013: Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan has exhorted farmers to make agriculture profitable by adopting modern techniques. Farm mechanisation is being promoted in the state. Shri Chouhan was addressing a convention of progressive farmers here today. The programme was organised by John Dyer’s Company.
Shri Chouhan said that farmers’ contribution is important in country’s progress. Farmers produce food grains, which cannot be manufactured in factories. He said that every possible effort has been made to make agriculture profitable in the state. Irrigation capacity has been increased from 7 lakh hectares to 25 lakh hectares. For reaching out water upto fields, new canals have been constructed and old ones repaired and schemes like Narmada-Kshipra Link Project have been launched. Arrangements are afoot to supply power to villages round-the-clock. Now, farmers will have to pay electricity bills only twice a year. Diversification of crops and mechanisation of agriculture is necessary for increasing production constantly. Madhya Pradesh’s agriculture growth rate has been 18.9 percent.
John Dyer’s Global Chairman Shri Sam Allen said that commitment towards farmers regarding modern technique is continuing. Priority is being given to farmers’ skill development. John Dyer’s President Shri Mark Vaughn said that farmers can earn more profit by reducing cost. For this, they will have to develop an effective system. At the outset, John Dyer’s Managing Director Shri Satish Nadekar delivered the welcome address while Shri Mukul Varshney proposed a vote of thanks.
Additional Chief Secretary and Agriculture Production Commissioner Shri M.M. Upadhyay and Additional Chief Secretary Shri P.K. Dash were also present on the occasion.
Bhind college principal suspended
Bhopal:Friday, February 15, 2013: The State Government has suspended Dr. Smt. Shashi Prabha Agrawal, the principal of M.J.S. Post-graduate College, Bhind on the charges of negligence. Smt. Agrawal was appointed in-charge officer in a court case. Action has been taken against her for indifference and negligence in discharging the duties as in-charge officer.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Placement of 1.22 lakh youths through Job Fairs in Madhya Pradesh
Career counselling to 1.33 lakh
Bhopal:Thursday, February 14, 2013: Over one lakh 22 thousand youths have secured placement through the Job Fair Scheme launched by Madhya Pradesh Government for securing jobs to youths in private and public sectors. Through Job Fairs, over one lakh 10 thousand have secured placement in private sector, 3,872 in Air Force and 2,224 in the Army. Besides, post-school career counselling has been imparted by experts to over one lakh 33 thousand youths through 7,120 career counselling camps.
The employment division of the Industries Department launched Job Fair and Career Counselling Scheme from year 2008-09. Under the scheme, Job Fairs are held through Employment Exchanges for filling up vacancies in private and public institutions. In each district, a committee headed by concerning collector holds Job Fair for recruitment of necessary manpower for industrial houses in and outside the state. For this, the district administration extends administrative and financial cooperation.
The Regional Recruitment Centre sends proposal for ensuring Madhya Pradesh’s representation on the posts of personnel as well as technical and clerical posts in Air Force, Army and Navy. Concerning District Employment Exchange extends necessary cooperation in this. A target has been set to hold minimum 2 Job Fairs in each district during year 2012-13. Big districts like Bhopal, Jabalpur, Indore. Gwalior, Dewas and Dhar have been given a target of 4 Job Fairs during the year.
A total of 10 thousand 562 youths got placements in the Job Fair Scheme’s inaugural year 2008-09. Of these, 9652 were recruited by private sector and 910 by Army. As many as 9,881 got jobs in the second year 2009-10 of which 8,651 secured jobs in private sector and 1,230 in Army. In year 2010-11, 22 thousand 201 youths got placement including 20 thousand 710 in private sector, 800 in Indian Air Force and 601 in Army. In year 2011-12, placements were provided to 35 thousand 12 thousand youths including 29 thousand 967 in private sector, 428 in Air Force and 4,617 in Army. By January-end in year 2012-13, placements have been given to 44 thousand 479 youths including 41 thousand 59 in private sector, 504 in Air Force and 2,916 in Army.
Career counselling
Exercise of imparting career counselling to students after completion of school education has also been undertaken. So far, over one lakh 35 thousand students have been imparted counselling at 7,120 camps.
Madhya Pradesh: Teacher shoots at principal over transfer dispute
Anuppur : A teacher shot at his own principal on Wednesday after a dispute in the government school at Rampur, about 12 km away from Anuppur in the neighbouring Shahdol district, the police said.
Arvind Singh Chouhan, who is posted as a teacher in a government school had a dispute with principal RN Singh over the former''s transfer to some other place.
Chouhan reached the school along with two associates on a motorcycle and asked the principal to take steps to cancel his transfer, which led to a dispute, after which he shot at him and escaped, the police said.
The injured principal was admitted in the Anuppur district hospital from where he was referred to the Shahdol district hospital for treatment, the police said.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
1.59 lakh industries established in 9 years in Madhya Pradesh
Rs. 21 thousand 785 crore invested, About 4 lakh get jobs, Three times more investment compared to preceding 10 years
Bhopal, February 13, 2013: As many as one lakh 59 thousand 71 micro, small, medium and major industrial units have been established in Madhya Pradesh during nine years from 2004 to December 2012. Over 3 lakh 94 thousand persons have got jobs in these industries established at cost of over Rs. 21 thousand 785 crore. The investment made in these industries is three times more than that made from year 1994 to 2003.
The industries established during last 9 years include one lakh 943 micro and small units. Established with capital investment of Rs. 2 thousand 775 crore 42 lakh, they have provided jobs to 3 lakh 70 thousand persons. During the period, 128 major and medium industries were established at a total cost of Rs. 19 thousand crore 69 lakh providing jobs to over 24 thousand persons.
Preceding 10 years
Compared to it, one lakh 9 thousand 671 micro, small, medium and major industries were set up during 10 years from 1994 to 2003. Rs. 7,195 crore 76 was invested in these industries, which provided jobs to about 3 lakh 8 thousand persons.
Begum Bebo to get royal treatment in Bhopal
Kareena Kapoor Khan will be in Madhya Pradesh capital for the shoot of ''Satyagraha''
Husband Saif Ali Khan has his extended royal family settled in the capital city of Madhya Pradesh and Bebo is in town to shoot for Prakash Jha’s next.
A source says, “Kareena is staying at the same hotel where Amitabh Bachchanji will be received. The red carpet was rolled out for her with a grand welcome ceremony including aarti, teeka and garland.”
A Bhopal-based source tells us, “Kareena prefers to be simple and her taste in food is also similar.”
Saif gifts solitaire
Joining Bebo in Bhopal will be hubby Saif and mother-in-law Sharmila Tagore.
The couple will bring in Valentine’s Day in the city. And according to a source close to the couple, Kareena has already received her gift — a solitaire!
Madhya Pradesh: 12-year-old boy rapes minor girl in Bhopal, sent to juvenile detention centre
Bhopal: A 12-year-old boy was arrested for allegedly raping a six-year-old girl in his neighbourhood in Bhopal, police said on Tuesday. On Sunday, the boy took the girl to a construction site near their home in Kiran Nagar area of the city where he allegedly raped her.
While searching for her daughter, the rape survivor''s mother found her at the construction site with the boy, police said. Later, the girl was sent for medical examination which confirmed rape, they said.
A case has been registered against the boy under section 376 (rape) of the IPC and he has been sent to the juvenile detention centre, they added.
Implement Textile Policy as per cabinet decision CM Shri Chouhan’s directive
Bhopal:Tuesday, February 12, 2013: Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan has directed that the cabinet decision on Textile Policy should be implemented expeditiously. The Chief Minister was reviewing action taken regarding cabinet decisions on textile industries at a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Investment Promotion here today. Finance Minister Shri Raghavji, Commerce & Industries Minister Shri Kailash Vijayvargiya, Agriculture Minister Dr. Ramkrishna Kusmaria and Revenue Minister Shri Karan Singh Verma were present at the meeting.
It is noteworthy that the cabinet had decided to sanction a special package for textile industries. At the meeting, Shri Chouhan directed that Textile policy should be implemented as per the cabinet decision. At the meeting, it was decided to give five-year exemption from entry tax on value added products’ manufacturing to Messrs Agro Solvent Product Private Limited under the State Government’s Investment Promotion Policy and exemption from Mandi Tax on purchase of raw material from outside the state. This industry’s total sold products includes 68 percent value added products. Chief Secretary Shri R. Parasuram, Additional Chief Secretary Shri P.K. Dash and officers of concerning departments were also present on the occasion.
Afzal Guru's execution is Cong. one-upmanship political game: SDPI
SDPI national president E. Abubacker in a statement said that the Congress has tried to play a one-upmanship political game over its saffron-backed arch rival BJP to disarm it stealthily and score electoral gains in the ensuing elections. The timing of sending Afzal Guru to the gallows is nothing but is only to get political benefits. The hanging is a shrewd politico-strategic move on the part of the Congress.
Abubacker said it is a reckless act and is part of the political game Congress is playing to outdo VHP/BJP''s Hindutva and security planks. The decision to hang Guru could have been guided not just by judicial considerations but also by political exigencies. In fact Guru has been hanged to please the public opinion, created by the fascist media. The execution was legally and morally unjustified and hasty, he added.
He said that with one stroke, the government has effectively silenced the BJP’s shouting brigade that did not let go of a single chance to lambast the UPA for not executing Afzal Guru for the past seven-and-a-half years ever since the Supreme Court confirmed his death sentence on 4th August 2005. The timing of the execution is significant as it comes days after the BJP’s prime ministerial candidate, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, stormed the national capital with his politically-loaded lecture at Shri Ram College of Commerce on 6 February.
After taking a decade to take a decision to hang Guru, the government is still likely to face the charge that the hanging is a political ploy to deprive its opponents a propaganda plank in the run-up to the state elections this year and the general election in 2014, the statement said.
Abubacker pointed out that there is ample documentation to demonstrate that Afzal Guru’s trial was vitiated; that his legal defence was compromised; that fabricated and forged evidence was submitted to, and accepted by the court, the highest of which, admitted while sentencing him to death that this was done to satisfy the ‘collective conscience of the nation’.
The political symbolism being conveyed by the Congress-led UPA government through these executions is that it has a zero tolerance on the issue of terrorism that impinges on national security. But ironically, despite the two executions, the ball is still in the Congress court as the latest execution raises the inevitable question: when will Rajiv Gandhi’s assassins be hanged? In August 2011, the then President Pratibha Patil had rejected the mercy pleas of the three killers – Murugan alias Sriharan, Santhan and Perarivalan. The trio has been on death row since May 1999 when the Supreme Court had sentenced them as well as Murugan’s wife Nalini to death. Nalini’s death sentence had been commuted to life imprisonment by the apex court in 2000, the statement stated.
Abubacker lamented how the Supreme Court has itself admitted that many of those on death row are there because of “erroneous legal precedents set by itself.” Yet, both the judiciary and the government have been reluctant to announce a moratorium on executions until a thoroughgoing review is carried out. (
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Rs. 1.66 crore allocated to various colleges (Gaon Ki Beti Yojna)
hopal:Friday, February 8, 2013:
The Higher Education Department has allocated Rs. one crore 66 lakh 36 thousand 250 to various colleges for scholarships under the Gaon Ki Beti Yojna. For eligibility under the scheme, a village girl has to take admission in the first year after passing class 12th exam in the same year to maintain continuity of education.
A village girl student pursuing traditional education gets Rs. 500 per month and Rs. 750 per month is given to each eligible girl pursuing technical and medical education. The scholarship is given for 10 months during each academic year.
Govt. grants ‘Maharatna’ status to BHEL & GAIL
By Pervez Bari
Bhopal, February 06: One of India''s largest Public Sector Undertaking the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, (BHEL), along with Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL) have been granted the "Maharatna" status by the Government of India. There are now seven “Maharatna” companies--ONGC, Indian Oil, GAIL, BHEL, NTPC and CIL in India.
According to an official release the "Maharatna" scheme is aimed at giving enhanced powers to the boards of identified large-sized "Navratna" Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) so as to facilitate expansion of their operations, both in domestic as well as global markets.
In the case of BHEL and GAIL, they can exercise their "Maharatna" powers only after having requisite number of non-official directors on their respective boards.
"The concerned administrative ministries of the two CPSEs have been asked to take immediate steps to appoint requisite number of non-official directors on the boards of BHEL and GAIL so that the boards could exercise delegated Maharatna powers," the release stated.
Meanwhile, consistent high performance, while operating in a highly competitive environment and fulfilment of the required eligibility criteria has enabled power equipment maker BHEL to attain the "Maharatna" status.
BHEL have the capability to manufacture the entire range of Power equipment besides being active in the fields of Rail Transportation, Power Transmission, Oil & Gas, Defence, Renewable and other Industrial segments. The company attained a turnover of Rs.49,510 Crore and net profit of Rs.7,040 Crore in the year 2012.
The "Maharatna" status will help BHEL realize its long term objectives and reach a turnover of Rs.One lac Crore by 2016-17.
The company will be able to pursue several growth opportunities in the areas of Transportation, Renewable, Transmission, etc. in addition to its core area of Power Generation. It will also enable the company to tap big ticket opportunities for equity participation in large size international projects to gain access to technology, engineered materials and market.
It may be pointed out here that a “Maharatna” firm can take investment decision of up to Rs.5,000 crore without going to the government. A company qualifying for the Maharatna status should have an average annual turnover of more than Rs.25,000 crore in the last three years, according to the guidelines. Among others, the PSU must have a net worth of over Rs.15,000 crore and net profit of more than Rs.5,000 crore during the last three years.
One of the Largest engineering & manufacturing companies in India
Meanwhile, it my be mentioned here that BHEL are an integrated power plant equipment manufacturer and one of the largest engineering and manufacturing companies in India in terms of turnover. BHEL were established in 1964, ushering in the indigenous Heavy Electrical Equipment industry in India - a dream that has been more than realized with a well-recognized track record of performance. The company has been earning profits continuously since 1971-72 and paying dividends since 1976-77.
BHEL are engaged in the design, engineering, manufacture, construction, testing, commissioning and servicing of a wide range of products and services for the core sectors of the economy, viz. Power, Transmission, Industry, Transportation (Railway), Renewable Energy, Oil & Gas and Defence. BHEL have 15 manufacturing divisions, two repair units, four regional offices, eight service centres and 15 regional centres and currently operate at more than 150 project sites across India and abroad.
The high level of quality & reliability of our products is due to adherence to international standards by acquiring and adapting some of the best technologies from leading companies in the world including General Electric Company, Alstom SA, Siemens AG and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., together with technologies developed in its own R&D centres. Most of our manufacturing units and other entities have been accredited to Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001:2008), Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001:2004) and Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems (OHSAS 18001:2007).
Significantly, BHEL is one of the only four Indian companies and the only Indian Public Sector Enterprise figuring in ''The Global Innovation 1000'' of Booz & Co., a list of 1,000 publicly-traded companies which are the biggest spenders on R&D in the world. BHEL has also won the coveted CII-Thompson Reuters Innovation Award 2010 in the ''Hi-tech Corporate'' category. The award recognises BHEL''s innovation and entrepreneurship in India based on number of patents and efficiency and impact of innovation as measured by patent citations.
The company''s Corporate R&D division at Hyderabad leads BHEL''s research efforts in a number of areas of importance to BHEL''s product range. Research and Product Development (RPD) centres at all its manufacturing divisions play a complementary role. The manufacturing divisions of BHEL are located at Bhopal, Hardwar, Jhansi, Hyderabad and Bangalore.
BHEL have a share of 59 per cent in India’s total installed generating capacity contributing 69 per cent (approx.) to the total power generated from utility sets (excluding non-conventional capacity) as of March 31, 2012.
BHEL have been exporting their power and industry segment products and services for over 40 years. BHEL’s global references are spread across 75 countries. The cumulative overseas installed capacity of BHEL manufactured power plants exceeds 9,000 MW across 21 countries including Malaysia, Oman, Iraq, the UAE, Bhutan, Egypt and New Zealand. Their physical exports range from turnkey projects to after sales services.
About BHEL Bhopal Unit
Meanwhile, Bharat Heavy Electrical Plant at Bhopal is the mother plant of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, the largest engineering and manufacturing enterprise in India in the energy-related and infrastructure sector, today. With technical assistance from Associated Electricals (India) Ltd., a UK based company, it came into existence on 29th of August, 1956. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India dedicated this plant to the nation on 6th of November, 1960.
BHEL, Bhopal with state-of-the-art facilities, manufactures wide range of electrical equipments. It’s product range includes Hydro, Steam, Marine & Nuclear Turbines, Heat Exchangers, Hydro & Turbo Generators, Transformers, Switchgears, Control gears, Transportation Equipment, Capacitors, Bushings, Electrical Motors, Rectifiers, Oil Drilling Rig Equipments and Diesel Generating sets.
BHEL, Bhopal Unit certified to ISO: 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, is moving towards excellence by adopting TQM as per EFQM / CII model of Business Excellence. Heat Exchanger Division is accredited with ASME ‘U’ Stamp. It has its own Laboratories for material testing and instrument calibration which are accredited with ISO 17025 by NABL. The Hydro Laboratory, Ultra High Voltage laboratory and Centre for Electric Transportation are the only laboratories of its in this part of the world. (
MP awarded with National Award-2012 for empowerment of disabled persons
hopal, February 07 (Pervez Bari): Madhya Pradesh Social Justice Department has been awarded by President with National Award for empowerment of persons with disability for the year 2012.
The award was given in the category of best employer. President Pranab Mukherjee gave away the award to V.K. Batham, Secretary and Commissioner M.P. Social Justice Department, at a function held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi organized by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Government of India. In all 48 awards were given in various categories. Union Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment Ms Selja and Minister of State (S J & E) D. Napoleon and senior officials of the Ministry were present on the occasion.
Madhya Pradesh Social Justice department has displayed an impressive performance in employing people with disabilities. Out of 1565 employees on its role, 58 are persons with disabilities. The persons with disabilities comprising Orthopedically, visually, hearing and physically challenged persons hold responsible position in class I, II, III & IV categories.
The Bharatiya Janata Party, (BJP), ruled Madhya Pradesh Government has also made provision of 6 per cent reservation for the people with disabilities in the direct recruitment process. These employees are not only given assistive devices to improve their productivity but their skills are also upgraded periodically. The employees with disabilities enjoy equal appreciation, promotions and other perks. They are also benefited with reservation in the allotment of residences and exemption from professional tax. (
Bhopal: Men threatened by wives call on women's helpline number
Bhopal: A helpline for women on phone number 1090 in Bhopal is also getting calls from men who are threatened by their wives. The helpline number has been working for 38 days and interestingly, it has till now received calls from about 12 men who complained about bad behavior of their wives.
Most of them said their wives had a penchant for getting into fights, using offensive words and becoming angry at the slightest provocation.
However, the helpline staff has been telling the males that the number is set up only for women and directing them to contact their local police stations.
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